

  1. breeding stock selection
  2. breeding stock preparation
  3. breeding stock management
  4. breeding process
  5. post-breeding care

** breeding stock selection**

  • Choose breeding stock with desirable traits, such as high growth rate, disease resistance, and good feed conversion efficiency.
  • Ensure that the breeding stock is healthy and free from genetic diseases.
  • Select breeding stock that is compatible with the desired breeding stock.

** breeding stock preparation**

  • Provide breeding stock with a proper diet and housing conditions that promote optimal growth and development.
  • Ensure that the breeding stock is properly vaccinated against common diseases.
  • Monitor the breeding stock's health and provide necessary care.

** breeding stock management**

  • Establish a breeding stock management plan that includes clear protocols for breeding, record-keeping, and disease prevention.
  • Ensure that the breeding stock is properly monitored by trained personnel.

** breeding process**

  • Select breeding stock for the breeding season based on their reproductive readiness.
  • Allow the breeding stock to mate with each other for a specified period.
  • Collect and evaluate the offspring to determine their traits and suitability for breeding.

** post-breeding care**

  • Provide the offspring with proper care and nutrition to support their growth and development.
  • Monitor the offspring's health and provide necessary care.
  • Select and breed the offspring that exhibit desirable traits for future breeding.